14 Desember 2009

falling in love

such an easy word with a very hard and heavy meaning
they says that you will know what is the real meaning of love when you're falling in love
well, i've been in love and the truth is that's not a nice experience.
i fell in love and i fell hard.
i let my emotion took control everything
i let my love took control everything
and it ended bad. messy. and hurtful

i have this amazing friend named anggi
she's saner, nicer, wiser and smarter than me
but it seems even the smartest, wisest, nicest and sanest person still can be broken causes by this thing called love.

i don't really understand why they calling it "FALLING in love"
well, my guess because it always ended hurtful.
all i know is
falling makes you sad.
falling makes you mad.
and suddenly falling makes you love?
what the hell?!

but all i know, everybody's looking for love
they search love
they feed love
they love love

so, if i may conclude about love,
the one who's seek and search for love is the masochist one.
they enjoy the pain and the tears caused by love.
they enjoy the high of being chased and chase love
how stupid.
or how wonderful?
you decide.


2 komentar:

  1. great... a lil bit skeptical but so realistic.. :)

  2. hihihihihi,....
    ini dia tulisan khasnya nyonya citra!
    real bgt, to real sis'.
