30 November 2009

what i want and what i need

human needs as Prof. Maslow explained to us in his hierarchy of human needs theory, it always begin with basic needs and then go on to safety needs and then to social needs and last, to personal needs.
first we need food to survive after that we need shelter and protection. after we gain all of that, we start to feel some urges to socialize.
the relationship exist because of this need. man and woman relationship.
yeah, i like to talk about that kind relationship. because it seems after, ehmm, i don't know, couples centuries, anthropologists have hundred of research about human relationship but no one ever seem to figure it out right.

well, i'm not an anthropologist but i had an experience about that. it involves about need and want.
sometimes need and want aren't exactly at the same page. sometimes what we want is not necessarily what we need or vice versa.
for example, when i see a pair of beautiful shoes, i want it. i want those shoes. but, is that true that i need those shoes?
i want that guy, but is that true that i need that guy?
or in the other hand, i feel like i need that guy, but the truth is, i don't really want that guy.

confusing huh?

so, how can we solve this kind of problem?
with simply leave it all simple and casual?
by not taking a risk to love?
the truth is i prefer with not taking a risk to love. keep it simple and casual between you and a guy.
because that kind of relationship is more easier than emotional-i-love-and-want-to-live-with-you-forever-kind-of relationship.
you don't do the heart-to-heart chit chat
you don't have to pretend that you're give a shit about his feeling.
you just do some "simbiosis mutualisme". win-win solution.

but, we are only live once.
so, why not? why don't we take that risk
a risk to love and beloved?
why Citra, why?


1 komentar:

  1. sebelum kalimat yg d bold..kaya kuliah!!!hihihi
    tp bgitu d bawahnya yg d bold....keren!!!bikin kita ketawa ketiwi sendiri,cengar cengir,berasa kesindir ato emang karna pernah ngalamin.

    nih, ya.....yg bagian ketika seakan-akan lo ga mw ambil risk loved and beloved, tapi d akhir lo malah meng encourage orang untuk ambil risk itu.....keren bgt!!!

    emang yg namanya cinta tuh ga ad definisinya!!!ahahahah,bisa bikin wants jadi needs, ato needs jadi wants....

    keran lah ibu citra!!muantaps!!!


    (btw siapa yg needs?siapa yg wants cit?hihihi)
