20 Desember 2012


we took a back road
we're gonna look at the stars
we took a backroad in my car

down to the ocean, it's only water and sand
and in the ocean we'll hold hands

but I don't really like you
apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide
without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky
and on the cold wet dirt I cry

don't you wanna come with me?
don't you wanna feel my bones on your bones?
it's only natural

a cinematic vision ensued like the holiest dream
is someone calling?
an angel whisper my name, but the message relayed is the same:
"wait 'til tomorrow, you'll be fine"
but it's gone to the dogs in my mind

I always hear them when the dead of night
comes calling to save me from this fight
but they can't never wrong this right

don't you wanna swim with me?
don't you wanna feel my skin on your skin?
it's only natural

I never had a lover
I never had soul
I never had a good time
I never got gold

don't you wanna come with me?
don't you wanna feel my bones on your bones?


10 reasons why it is NOT COOL to have a doomsday tomorrow

i don't why, but lately i like to make a list for every thought i had.
so, here's is my 10 reasons why it's NOT COOL, i repeat, NOT COOL at all to have a doomsday tomorrow (21/12/12)

1. because on January 8 2013 Weezer will do a gig here in Jakarta. i mean seriously, it's WEEZER! so please universe and God, let me have my Weezer concert first before You decide to go caput on universe.

2. because on January 19 2013, I'll be 24. yeah, I'll admit it that i am 24 next year. so shut up already.

3. because on Febuary 28 until March 6 me and my friends will go holiday. for a very first time, we'll go holiday together to Gili Trawangan and Bali. and believe me I'm so looking forward to this.

4. because next year, I'll graduate. finally, after long years of study and stay up late for assignment, I will get my bachelor degree.

5. because next year, I'll finally work in "the real world". I mean, yeah, I had my experience as an intern in GolinHarris Indonesia and had a taste on how it's really do and done out there, but cmon, it was only three months.

6. because next year, lot of sequel books I'm looking forward to read will be publish. I mean c'mon, I read the first three books, and I need to know what comes next.

7. because seriously, I already made lots of plan for next year

8.  and the next five year

9. and the next ten year.

10. did I mention that next year, I finally take a vacation? AFTER MONTHS of writing my thesis. SO C'MON, let me let me let me get what I want this time.


16 Desember 2012

100 Ultimate Love Songs (Part 1) by ME!

Okay, here's the thing: i'd finish my internship at GolinHarris Indonesia and it was..... FUCKING GREAT. i learned a lot of PR things at there, i missed my other intern mates and associates because although it just three months, i already feel a homey thingy feeling in me there.

moving on,
so i have a lot of free times in my hands right now, because i got nothing but write my thesis for the final months for me to get my bachelor degree *finally*, so i'm back to reading load of books. actually, right now i'm in the middle of reading, Pablo Neruda's greatest love poems. yeah, i know, i'm not really the poem kind but believe me, this Neruda dude is awesome. his stuff was great and not cheesy. *i always thought every poem is cheesy. well, except the poem of Sapardi Joko Darmono, about loving someone as simple as water bla bla. that stuff was awesome.*

anyhoo, because of that i'm kinda having a la vie en rose kind of feeling, and when i'm feeling like that, i love to listening love song and i decided to make a list of the ultimate love songs. i will put 100 best love songs i ever heard. so, here's the first part.


1. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon
best part: off in the night while you live it up, I'm off to sleep
waging wars to shake the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
I hope it's gonna make you notice
someone like me..

why am i loving it: because seriously, this song is so sweet. i think it's about a desire. an act to try to find someone special. Caleb's voice in this song was sound very strong but also fragile. makes me wanna scream "I FUCKING NOTICE YOU CALEB" ;-)

2. Jikalau by Naif
best part: Untaian kata-kata yang kuucapkan untukmu
tak seindah kata cinta yang dia berikan padamu
namun kau selalu ada di hatiku..

why am i loving it: because seriously, it's simple. it's sweet. Naif is rarely sing a love song, but boy when they did, it was great.

3. Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys
best part: you know its gonna make it that much better
when we can say goodnight and stay together

why am i loving it: because seriously, i never thought this song it's about sex in general. i always think that this song it's about a young couple that fall in love in each other and wish to grow old and live happily ever after. it's a fairy tale song, with an intention to have sex. ;p

4. Sunday by Bloc Party
best part: I love you in the morning
when you're still hung over
I love you in the morning
when you're still strung out

when I'm with you, I am calm
a pearl in your oyster
head on my chest, a silent smile
a private kind of happiness
you see, giant proclamations are all very well
but our love is louder that words..

why am i loving it: because seriously, it's about modern love. the lyric was real enough to understand to love someone with their not-so-good part or side in a busy life. a modern life.

5. Close To You by Carpenters
best part: why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?
just like me, they long to be
close to you..

why am i loving it: because seriously, a part from the cheesy part about angels and hair of golden starlight, i think it's one of the most sweet-walking-side-by-side-holding-hands kinda love song.
ps. when Feist did a gig in Jakarta, Erlend Oye was her opening act and he sung this song, and God it was so lovely, his low voice was very soothe.

6. Selalu Denganmu by Tompi
best part: taukah kau diriku tak sanggup hidup bila kau jauh dariku?
kuingin dipelukmu selalu
oh Tuhan tetapkan rasa cintaku ini pada hanya untukmu
selalu setia selama lamanya..

why am i loving it: because seriously, i know after typed the lyric, it's kinda cheesy but i love it anyway. so suck it.

7. Can You Tell by Ra Ra Riot
best part: oh what am I supposed to do?
it's hard to stay cool
oh when you smile at me
and i got nervous every time you speak..

why am i loving it: because seriously, i know exactly what Wes Miles has been singing. sometimes it very hard to speak to someone you like. but that moment, a moment when you feel like your heart skip a beat because someone you like was said a greeting to you and when your knees are weak and your tongue is glue in your mouth, that's the sweetest feeling ever. well, a part of the embarrassing moment when you finally said a word and it's turn out to be something stupid because you're so fucking nervous.

8. I Will by The Beatles
best part: who knows how long I've loved you
you know I love you still
will I wait a lonely lifetime
if you want me to, I will..

why am i loving it: because seriously, it is one of the best love song ever written. so simple. so short. so deep. I LOVE YOU JOHN, GEORGE, PAUL, AND RINGO!

9. Just Like Heaven by The Cure
best part: you
soft and only you
lost and lonely you
strange as angles
dancing in the deepest ocean
twisting in the water
you're just like a dream..

why am i loving it: because seriously, it was very happily ever after in the beginning and lonely in the end of it. it's dreamy yet real.

10. Inside and Out by Feist
best part: I ain't no vision, I am the girl
who loves you inside and out
backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way..

why am i loving it: because seriously, although originally this song was sung by Bee Gees, i love Feist's version better. Feist's delicate voice sounds so fragile, its suit the lyric.

01 September 2012

hey August

it's September already? wow, time goes faster than i realize. there were a lot of things happened on August, from good thing to bad thing.

let's start with bad things first. on August 16, my lovely grandma passed away. she died at 78 year old and i think she died peacefully after almost a week in ICCU and another week at High Care Unit. you know, when someone that you truly love passed away, it's seem surreal for a while. well, actually until now, it's still seem surreal for me. but i believe that now she's already at the better place than here. so, goodbye Andung, you always be loved by your family, we're gonna miss you like hell but we'll survive, cause we know that this is the better way.
I'll be missing you, Andung

now, let's move on to the good stuffs. August has been a very busy and hectic month for me. in this month, i had to summit 3 title for my final thesis. it's been decided which one is my title, it's about PR role on publishing different culture. 

And for the great stuff... right now i'm an intern at GolinHarris PR Firm. 

i start working there on Aug 27, so it's been a week for me, and it's been a great experience. i'm still learning the work pace there, but so far so good. the work is great and so far i love it, the associates are so nice and helpful, other interns (in GH and WS) are like brothers and sisters to me. in conclusion, so far, it's good :) i'll be working there for three months.

so, that's my thing on August. hope September will bring more color and fun to my life.


27 Juli 2012

call me maybe, Phelps

I just saw this video and believe me, it's fucking hilarious.


02 Juli 2012

Konten Media: Sebuah Diskursus Fiksi yang Bersifat Adiktif

Oleh: Annisa Gemala Dewi, Putri Huddani, dan Citra P. Nanda

Sesuai dengan paparan dalam buku “Introducing Cultural and Media Studies” karangan Tony Thwoites, Llyod Davis, dan Warwick Mules, bahwa media memiliki dampak yang besar bagi khalayak di dunia baik dari segi psikologis maupun kultural. Konten yang disampaikan ada yang berupa fakta dan juga fiksi atau karangan semata. Kami setuju dengan pandangan F.R. Leavis dan Denys Thompson dalam bukunya “Culture and Environment” (1977) yang menyalahkan fiksi populer karena isinya hanya menawarkan bentuk-bentuk adiktif berupa ‘kompensasi’ dan ‘distraksi’. Membaca buku-buku fiksi romantis dan menonton televisi yang menayangkan program serial fiksi memang bisa ‘melahirkan sebuah kebiasaan dalam berfantasi yang mengakibatkan maladaptasi dalam kehidupan nyata’.

Konten media: melahirkan sifat delusional
Di Indonesia sendiri buku-buku fiksi romantis sudah mulai populer sejak tahun 1990-an. Pembacanya rata-rata remaja usia 14-19 tahun yang ibaratnya sekarang diakatakan “masih labil’, masih belum bisa menemukan dan menempatakkan jati dirinya sendiri. Dulu ketika kami masih SMP, ada salah satu teman kami yang berfantasi dan mengkhayal kalau dia punya pacar seperti karakter tokoh didalam novel teenlit yag berjudul “Dealova”. Sedangkan untuk program serial fiksi di Indonesia, yaitu sinetron, banyak ditayangkan oleh televisi swasta seperti RCTI, SCTV, dan Indosiar. Banyaknya sinetron tersebut mengakibatkan beberapa orang yang menontonnya-terlebih yang tidak beredukasi tinggi-meniru seluruh perkataan bahkan karakter aktor yang memerankannya dan dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan nyata. Mereka juga menjadi kecanduan dan perhatiannya terdistraksi dari kehidupan sosialnya, karena mereka selalu menunggu tayangan episode selanjutnya di hari esok, dalam jam yang sama.

Kecanduan seperti itulah yang ‘membantu mencipatkan suatu atmosfer yang tidak kondusif bagi aspirasi minoritas’ (“kultural”), hal itu menjadi buruk apalagi ketika seseorang mulai meninggalkan kehidupan nyatanya dan masuk ke dalam kehidupan fiksi yang dibuat oleh media.

Konten media: sesuai dengan kepentingan media itu sendiri
Media memilki kepentingan sendiri, maka pesan yang disampaikan juga diatur sedemikian rupa. Teknik profesional media melibatkan perepresentasian berita melalui penggunaan skema naratif dan denotatif berulang. Asumsi yang diciptakan dari perepresentasian tersebut berupa objektivitas, kebenaran dan pengetahuan tentang pemirsa untuk menyerap versi tertentu mengenai dunia. Jadi, sebenarnya media itu hampir sama dengan mitos. Karena baik media maupun mitos, keduanya sama-sama mencoba untuk menjadikan dunia tampak familiar bagi pemirsa atau pembaca, dengan menciptakan suatu pandangan yang sama tantang dunia berdasarkan skema dan tipe kategoris naratif. Maka dari itu, media terkadang membuat kita menjadi stereotip terhadap sesuatu karena banyak sekali aspek-aspek tertentu yang media seleksi sebagai hal yang layak untuk diberitakan, sementara ada juga beberapa aspek-aspek lainnya yang disisihkan karena tidak sesuai dengan skema naratif dan denotatif berulang.
Pemberitaan media mengenai konflik antara politisi, kriminal melawan aparat atau sebaliknya (isu-isu negatif) pada umumnya dibuat agar cocok dengan skema.  Bagi media, menyampaikan berita atau informasi dengan cara ini berarti memberikan konsistensi dan menawarkan nilai yang sebelummnya memang ingin ditawarkan oleh media kepada khalayak. Perepresentasian dunia secara mitis oleh dapat membuat perasaan khalayak yang membaca atau mendengarnya menjadi kuat dan kukuh serta berimaji secara visual dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. -i

Konten media: manipulasi publik
Diskursus media terjalin dengan percetakan dan teknologi elektronik. Diskursus ini bergantung pada investasi yang sangat besar dalam bidang peralatan yang mampu mereproduksi semua jenis teks (huruf cetak, gambar, dan suara) pada ruang sosial yang luas.  Sarana untuk menyirkulasikan teks media terpencil dari sarana yang digunakan oleh individu untuk memproduksi diskursus kehidupan sehari-hari yang bersifat pribadi dan biasa. Meski demikian, apa yang dihasilkan sarana itu adalah efek alamat yang langsung dan bahkan intim.
Contoh utama alamat langsung adalah televisi. Para presenter berita selalu berbicara langsung pada kamera, sambil menggunakan beberapa aspek percakapan pribadi dengan penonton. Ini sering diperkuat dengan penggunaan gaya alamat personal yang dipakai oleh presenter, memanggil satu sama lainnya dengan nama panggilan dan memasukkan komentar pribadi di sela-sela warta berita. Seolah-olah mereka ada tepat di dalam ruang tamu kita. Contoh lainnya juga bisa dilihat bukan pada acara berita, tapi pada acara reality show. Reality show merupakan tren yang melibatkan para artis atau pemeran acara tersebut, yang selalu diikuti oleh kamera saat melakukan kegiatan sehari-harinya, biasanya akan ada sesi dimana dia akan mengomentari hal-hal yang terjadi dan dia akan menceritakan langsung ke arah kamera. Disini penonton seperti dibawa masuk ke dalam kehidupan artis tersebut, seakan-akan dia bercerita langsung ke arah kita seperti mengobrol bersama teman sendiri. Tren reality show ini terkadang tidak sepenuhnya benar, terkadang ada skrip yang sudah dibuat, sehingga dapat memberikan bumbu yang dapat membuat acara tersebut lebih “renyah”. Manipulasi merupakan suatu hal yang sudah biasa terjadi di media. Sama halnya dengan foto-foto yang ada di surat kabar, majalah, dll foto tersebut seringkali sudah disunting dan dimanipulasi terlebih dahulu. Makna foto beragam seiring penjangkarannya, dan dengan begitu mendefinisikan ulang suatu peristiwa. Foto surat kabar dan majalah tidak semata-mata merefleksikan kehidupan nyata: foto itu memproduksi realitas. Efek realitas ini adalah mengurangi keterkonstruksiannya teks surat kabar serta memperkuat fungsi denotatif dan referensial teks tersebut. Foto tampak menetralisir tanda faktor institusional yang mungkin muncul melalui pemroduksian nilai sosial dan kultural oleh media. -p

Konten media: melahirkan ideology konsumerisme
Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Cultural Studies and The Studies of Pop Culture, John Storey (1996) menjelaskan bahwa konsumsi muncul pada akhir 1950-an dan awal 1960-an sebagai perhatian budaya. Pada tahun 1970-an, konsumsi menjadi salah satu perdebatan hangat dalam kajian budaya karena konsumsi menghasilkan makna alternative dan oposisional dalam menyediakan beragam komuditas pada pelbagai subkultur.
Teori konsumsi sendiri bermula dari pandangan Marxis klasik. Namun, pandangan ini memiliki perbedaan antara konsumsi pada masyarakat kapitalis dan feudal. Bagi Karl Marx dan Fredick Engels, masyarakat prakapitalis (feodal di Inggris) bukanlah masyarakat konsumen karena barang-barang sebagian besar dibuat untuk konsumsi segera atau ditukar dengan barang-barang lain. Transisi dari feodalisme ke kapitalis adalah suatu transisi dari produksi yang digerakan oleh kebutuhan menuju produksi yang digerakan oleh keuntungan.
Psikoanalisis poststrukturalis, Jacques Lacan, menawarkan sebuah model pemikiran krisis mengenai konsumsi yang disebut “Ideologi Konsumerisme”. Ideologi ini bergerak sesuai dengan ideology roman yang dijelaskan sebagai sebuah narasi yang terbangun diseputar pencarian: ‘cinta’. Konsumsi mengisyarakat ketidaklengkapan.

Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan teknologi, kemunculan televisi yang dapat menyebabkan masyarakat dalam mendengar suara dan juga melihat bentuk visual suatu benda menjadi landasaran dasar perkembangan budaya konsumsi. Pada salah satu serial TV yang ditayangkan di Amerika berjudul Mad Men, dijelaskan secara jelas dan gamblang bagaimana suatu iklan dapat membuai masyarakat untuk membeli suatu barang secara terus menurus. Konsumsi menjadi suatu kegiatan wajib dan akhirnya menjadi suatu budaya dalam dunia kapitalisme.

Konten media: melejitkan budaya penggemar dan mengabadikan budaya konsumsi
Televisi diisi dengan para “manusia sempura” yang mau tidak mau melahirkan sebuah kelompok penggemar. Hingga awal tahun 2000-an iklan menjadi suatu alat dalam perkembangan ideology konsumsi. Para penggemar yang menjadi bagian yang paling tampak dalam praktik budaya pop menjadi target empuk dalam melaksanaan budaya konsumerisme. Seperti contoh diatas artikel ini, konten media melahirkan sifat delusional kepada penggemar.
Budaya penggemar yang dulunya diperlakukan dengan dua cara: ditertawakan dan dipatologikan sekarang menjadi penggerak dalam dunia konsumsi. Penggemar yang dicirikan sebagai suatu kefanatikan yang potensial, pada abad ke-21 menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam pergerakan keuangan suatu Negara. Penggemar dipahami menjadi korban-korban pasif dan patologis media massa.

Sebagai contoh, Korean Wave yang gila-gilaan disiarkan oleh media bagaikan suatu ajaran agama bagi para penggemar setia audience mereka. Para aktor, aktris, dan penyanyi Korea yang menghidupkan kembali “Barbie Syndrome” membuat penggemarnya tidak ragu-ragu pergi dan menghabiskan uang mereka untuk membeli produk pakaian yang sesuai dan merubah muka dan badan mereka dengan cara operasi plastik agar sesuai dengan apa yang para pelaku media Korea. Di Indonesia puluhan ribu penggemar K-Pop rela mengantri berjam-jam dan berdesakan demi membeli tiket penyanyi kesukan mereka. Harga tiket konser para penyanyi K-Pop pun itu tidak murah, yaitu berkisar 1 juta-2,5 juta rupiah. Konten media yang menyebabkan mereka rela akan hal-hal tersebut. Seorang teman saya pernah bercerita bahwa ketika ia sedang mengantri untuk membeli tiket konser sebuah grup pop Korea, Super Junior (SuJu), ia bertemu dengan seorang bapak yang berusia kira-kira 50 tahun ikut mengantri tiket konser ini. Ketika ditanya mengapa bapak ini ikut mengantri, beliau menjawab dia ikut mengantri membeli tiket konser SuJu untuk anak perempuannya yang berusia 14 tahun kerena anak perempuannya ini sudah tiga hari tidak makan sebagai bentuk protes ke orang tuanya karena tidak kebagian tiket konser SuJu. I mean, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Seriously??!!!

Budaya konsumerisme yang terus dilancarkan oleh media seharusnya bisa menyadarkan masyarakat untuk melihat pola kapitalis di dalamnya. masyarakat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi seharusnya lebih mampu memilah-milih informasi apa saja yang bermanfaar baginya dan mana yang membutakan. namun, hal ini kembali pada individu masing-masing. so, which one are you? -c.

Nothing on June

i can't believe i forgot to post something on June! i have a lot of idea in my head about many things i want to write but then, nothing. i just forgot.
this may sound like an excuse, but i really don't have many times to do nothing but my school assignments. so, because of that, i forgot to do anything except that. darn my school assignment!

but anyhow, i have this assignment to write an article about mass media in Indonesia for my Indonesian Communication System class. i'll post it after this.


10 Mei 2012


i've been dying to write this blog since yesterday. after almost two years i've been waiting on this movie, finally yesterday i went to the cinema and watched it....

and man, it was worth it. my waiting is finally pay up. The Avengers is super awesome!!! the movie is live it up my expectations.

okay, here are the reasons why i love the movie:
1. There are Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye in it. *d'ooh*
2. Robert Downey Jr. as usual, as charming as ever as Tony Stark. all his lines were awesome and i think Tony Stark is the soul and life in this movie.
3. THOR!!! why? because i love him. nuff said.

4. i got the chemistry between all the characters.
5. super awesome visual effects.
6. and so on and on and on, yada yada yada.

but there's one thing i don't really like in The Avengers:
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner aka The Incredible Hulk. i like it better when Edward Norton plays it.

so people out there, if you haven't see this move, get your ass up and go to your favorite cinema and watch it. why? cause it's worth it.


06 Mei 2012

bare naked ass


i know i should be studying rather than updating my blog since it's my mid-test week and i have Political Communication test for tomorrow, but, um, you know... let's skip that for a while.

yesterday after spending saturday night alone i decided to watch couples movies on dvd. i watched The Vow last night and No String Attached *again* after that and you guys know what... i found a similarity from both movies. can you guys guess?

no, it's not about 2 hot guys finally found love with 2 beautiful women. well, it's about that but i'm talking about

5 Seconds of perfection


i mean, over the time movies are now fill with much more naked butt. don't get me wrong, i like it and it's completely screen-worthy but is it really ok now to display such nudity in cinema or television?
you guys remember full naked scene by Jason Segel in Forgetting Sarah Marshall? just him and his gloriously penis? *no, i'm got gonna post that picture here ;)* like i said, don't get me wrong, yes i like it but seriously, is it necessarily?
yes, every movie has its own rate, whether is PG, PG-13 or R-Rated. but seriously, how many people under 15 that not has seen those movie?

i just think that, that must be some kind of line about this thing.
how about you guys? is it ok or not. you decide.


26 April 2012

200 Moments that Changed the World

in April19 2012, Time tweeted this 200 moments that changed the world. that 200 moments are made in to graphic and that graphic was super cool. here's some print screens from the graphic:

so you just hover your mouse to zoom in and you'll see the time line. it contains political events, economy and industrial events, science and technology, culture and sports events.
for the real experience you guys can clik http://www.time.com/time/interactive/0,31813,2112166,00.html
it was so awesome and it can add some knowledge about common knowledge.



you know what sodara-sodara, after completely overview my blog from my first post and realize something.. i'm not a nice blogger. well, diluar dari ketidak konsistenan saya dalam menulis, i'm just simply not nice to my readers. i never reply any comment an even if i did, i was simply not nice in it. *no wonder that no one wants to read my blog again right?*
i'm so sorry for my readers. from now on, i promise that i will try to consistently update my blog and reply to any one who comments.

for people who keep on reading my blog since 2009, thank you so much. i appreciate it.

love you guys,

10 April 2012

Spell Bound

okay, my second book review is...

yes, i've been waiting a year for this book. it's the last installment from Hex Hall Series from Rachel Hawkins.
I love the previous books, Hex Hall and Demon Glass.
in Hex Hall, i fell in love with Sophie and Archer' characters. in Demon Glass i fell deeply more in love with the story and the plot.
and finally, after waiting a year i am in love again with this book.
but.. *yes there's a but* there are couple things i don't like in this book.
The Brannicks. i kinda wish their part are bigger than what's been explained in book. i love their plot in Demon Glass, but in Spell Bound, i kinda think that their part are not really that important but to explain that Sophie's mother is one of The Brannicks *yes, this is spoiler*
i though Sophie is going to learn much from Brannicks about magic combat or something, but turns out... noooo
and the final battle, yes it's sad that Cal have to die to heal and save Sophie *yes, it's the big spoiler* but i wish the final battle will be more.... what's the world i'm looking for here... CLIMAX. yes, i wish the final battle will be intense but it turns out to be... again nooooo. i kinda think that it's too dull and quick and easy for final battle.

but, in the end i still love this book so i'm going to give B for Spell Bound.


About That Night

so, you guys may don't know that i've been dying to read this book from two months ago since i first read Something About You, a book from Julie James.
yes, it is a romance comedy genre so shoot me.
it's the third installation from FBI/US Attorney series. i love Julie James's books like crazy. it witty, the heroines are sexy smart independent women and the guys are like super hot but in human kinda way. so it's down to earth books *well kinda.
so, i love her previous books (eg. Just Sexiest Man Alive, Practice Makes Perfect, Something About You and A Lot Like Love) and my expectation about this book *About That Night* is high.

so imagine after waiting so long *okay, maybe not that long (two months)* i'm finally get the epub version one day after the official release and read it
and you know what??
it's kinda suck.
well, not suck like what-the-fuck sucks, but it is kinda suck-since-i-know-the-writer-is-better-than-this suck.
i mean, it's kinda lost the Julie James' touch. you know, the witty conversation and the unexpected scene that makes me want to laugh and secretly wish i am that smart as the heroine. and the main plot line isn't very great and the sex scene... oh GOD.. it's kinda like Play by Play Series by Jaci Burton not like Julie James' kinda sex scene. i mean it's like Julie James is trying to copy other erotic romance sex scene rather that stay with her sweet love making scene in her previous books. it's kinda disappointing for me who is already expect much from Julie James.

but in the end i still like her books, so i'm going to give B- for this book.


get this

i've got two book reviews coming up after this post and i'm telling you guys, i repeat, I AM TELLING you guys that those reviews ARE CONTAINS WITH SPOILERS. so bitches, you know you're getting into.


25 Maret 2012

someone like you..

I've been roaming around, always looking down at all I see
painted faces fill the places I can't reach
you know that I could use somebody
you know that I could use somebody

someone like you and all you know and how you speak
countless lovers under cover of the street
you know that I could use somebody
you know that I could use somebody

Kings of Leon - Use Somebody
