25 Oktober 2010


akhirnya setelah pertimbangan yang cukup lama dan matang
akhirnya saya membuat account tumblr juga
silahkan dibuka, diliat, dan di follow


01 Oktober 2010

cape cod kwassa kwassa

is your bed made?
is your sweater on?
do you want to fuck?
like you know i do.
-vampire weekend-

ps. one of the smartest band in America right now.
gotta love their sense of music and fashion.
can't hardly wait for their performance at bengkel night park, Oct 24th.


02 Agustus 2010

the only exception

Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul
that love never lasts.

And we've got to find other ways
to make it alone or keep a straight face.

And I've always lived like this
keeping a comfortable, distance.
And up until now I swore to myself
that I'm content with loneliness,

because none of it was ever worth the risk.


but you are the only exception.


hello again

well, hello there
i know it's been months since my last post. I'm sorry i got busy and then i got lazy.
so, quick review about what i've been doing for months.
well, it's all about my new life in my new campus, LSPR.
i had to deal with a lots of paperwork. it supposed to be teamwork but it turned out to be individual work cause my team wasn't interest about team work. yeah you know, stuffs.
so, i've been busy about paperwork, mid-term exam and then paperwork again, final presentation, and last but not least, final exam.
and about my personal life?
so far nothing change. still not really interest to dating someone.
it's been little bit lonely but i survived. you know i always will.
and after that, i got lazy.
so freaking lazy.
i'm sorry.
but hey, it's me again
try to catch up with my blog again.
soooooo, ehmmm, what am i going to write this time?
still thinking.
be back soon

still love you all

10 April 2010

white collar

White Collar, film yang menceritakan tentang seorang penipu dan art-thief terkenal yang akhirnya membantu FBI bagian "white collar criminals" untuk menyelesaikan kasus-kasus serupa.
dari segi cerita sih, ya typikal tv seri detektif lah, kasusnya ya lumanyan tapi yang bikin film ini menarik adalah si pemeran utamnya. Matt Bomer berperan sebagai Neal Caffrey si mantan pencuri dan con-man yang charming. jujur saya suka sekali karakter Neal disini. charming, smart, and totally hot.

I always love a man in a suit.
very gentleman.
mungkin dikarenakan brainwash-an dari kecil
remember disney with their lovely prince charming?
yeah, dari situ mungkin saya melihat pria-pria berpenampilan seperti Neal Caffrey itu sangat menarik. kalau ngayal punya pacar kyk Neal gini rasanya... safe.
you know, safe.
i dunno why

yah, yang suka dengan film detektif saya rekomendasikan film White Collar ini dan bagi yang perempuan, silahkan menahan napas dan terkagum dengan karakternya Neal Caffrey


08 April 2010

Cheers Mate!

saya rekomendasikan kepada anda-anda semua yang suka menonton film seri remaja yang lain daripada yang lain.
baca reviewnya di http://blenderide.blogspot.com/


30 Maret 2010

what i did last friday

for the first time in 21 years of my existing life
last friday i had my first surgery.
it's not a big deal actually
well, i had a tiny mini tumor below my right eyes
the tumor wasn't aggressive at all
but it kinda bother me.
so i decided to take the operation.
well, the operation was likely to cosmetically surgery.
i'm okay now, so no biggie.

well, let's see what happened in this month
ohya, second-second semester! yay!
i did my first-second semester at University of Indonesia and now i'm doing my second-second semester at London School of Public Relation.

and what else??
nothing much i guess
well, i hope next month will be better
hope that exciting things will happen.

ohya, don't forget to follow and read
that's my group project for mass communication subject


blender ide

silahkan buka dan silahkan baca
blender ide adalah blog sebagai tugas kelompok dari mata kuliah saya yaitu,
mass communication.

blender ide berisikan review, ide, atau komentar dari:
saya, Citra

well, so far memang baru saya yang nulis, tapi minggu-minggu kedepan silahkan baca tulisan dari beberbagai sudut pandang and i trust me, you will love to read us.


06 Februari 2010

die alone

well, hello again. its been a month since my last posting
well, actually i've been really busy at the moment with the final test but this weekend i get an off, so i can relax a bit.
January was already ended. what was happen in January?
let me think
ehmmm i'm turning 21 in Januari
and i got sick in Januari. yeah, i had this fever for almost a week
and because of that, i've been thinking about the worst disease that you're afraid of.
some came up with cancer
some came up with AIDS
some came up with heart attack
but if you ask me, i'm gonna say ALZHEIMER.

not many people know about this disease
its a disease that makes you forgot some aspects in your life
you just lost your memory until you cant act like yourself because
that's just horrible.

but alzheimer could not kill you,
because you're not able to take care of yourself
you might ended getting another disease, and thats probably can kill you.

but still, even if its cant kill you, it doesn't mean this disease is not so scary
imagine if you have alzheimer and you cant remember your own parent,
your own sister/brother, your own family, your love one?
you cant remember the day you went to your first day to school
you cant remember your first crush
you cant remember your own graduation
the first time you get drunk
the first time you had kiss
the first time you fell in love
the first time you made your parent proud
all you can do is forget
and then,
you just die alone
without remembering every important persons in your life.
you are die alone.
and thats the worst, alone.

so that's excatly why i'm so scared of alzheimer
die alone.
everybody is going to die
its scary i know, but eventually, you're gonna die
but i think i will die happy if there's still a lot of people that i love so much in my life
like my parent, my sister, my big family, my bestfriend, my friends
are still around me at the time that i die.
at least i die surrounded by people that i love
the people that I REMEMBER that i love them so much.
so, nothing scarier that forgeting all of that and die alone.
