this question is quite bothering me after my little chat with one of my best gals, Jolie.
for once in our life, bisa ga sih kita memilih kepada siapa we'll be falling in love with?
cause it's seems we always fall for wrong guy or maybe a right guy but in a wrong situation.
why the L.O.V.E thing always messed up with us?
i mean, first of all, who can define love?
Scientificlly or chemically, love involves surging brain elements called monoamines, dopamine's, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Love chemicals controlled by phenethylamine. *yeah, i don't even speak the languange*
but then again i've been thinking..
if love can be explain by science then why we still not figure it out how to avoid that kind of messed up?
why simply can't we choose the person who will we love?
for once in our life, bisa ga sih kita memilih kepada siapa we'll be falling in love with?
cause it's seems we always fall for wrong guy or maybe a right guy but in a wrong situation.
why the L.O.V.E thing always messed up with us?
i mean, first of all, who can define love?
Scientificlly or chemically, love involves surging brain elements called monoamines, dopamine's, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Love chemicals controlled by phenethylamine. *yeah, i don't even speak the languange*
but then again i've been thinking..
if love can be explain by science then why we still not figure it out how to avoid that kind of messed up?
why simply can't we choose the person who will we love?
wah nge blog juga cittt.. hahahaha bikin followers dong...
BalasHapusiya nih mas, mengikuti jejak lo ah gue. hahahha
BalasHapushuaaaaaaa..... kenapa pake bahasa inggris mua??? q kan ga terlalu ngerti.